Get own user


Get basic data about the user/bot that requests this endpoint.

Usage examples

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import zulip

# Pass the path to your zuliprc file here.
client = zulip.Client(config_file="~/zuliprc")

# Get the profile of the user/bot that requests this endpoint,
# which is `client` in this case:
result = client.get_profile()

More examples and documentation can be found here.

const zulipInit = require("zulip-js");

// Pass the path to your zuliprc file here.
const config = { zuliprc: "zuliprc" };

(async () => {
    const client = await zulipInit(config);

    // Get the profile of the user/bot that requests this endpoint,
    // which is `client` in this case:

curl -sSX GET -G \


This endpoint does not accept any parameters.


Return values

  • avatar_url: string

    URL for the user's avatar.

    Changes: New in Zulip 2.1.0.

  • avatar_version: integer

    Version for the user's avatar. Used for cache-busting requests for the user's avatar. Clients generally shouldn't need to use this; most avatar URLs sent by Zulip will already end with ?v={avatar_version}.

    Changes: New in Zulip 3.0 (feature level 10).

  • email: string

    Email of the requesting user.

  • full_name: string

    Full name of the requesting user.

  • is_admin: boolean

    A boolean indicating if the requesting user is an admin.

  • is_owner: boolean

    A boolean indicating if the requesting user is an organization owner.

    Changes: New in Zulip 3.0 (feature level 8).

  • is_billing_admin: boolean

    A boolean indicating if the requesting user is a billing administrator.

    Changes: New in Zulip 5.0 (feature level 73).

  • role: integer

    Organization-level role of the user. Possible values are:

    • 100 = Organization owner
    • 200 = Organization administrator
    • 300 = Organization moderator
    • 400 = Member
    • 600 = Guest

    Changes: New in Zulip 4.0 (feature level 59).

  • is_guest: boolean

    A boolean indicating if the requesting user is a guest.

    Changes: New in Zulip 3.0 (feature level 10).

  • is_bot: boolean

    A boolean indicating if the requesting user is a bot.

  • is_active: boolean

    A boolean specifying whether the user account has been deactivated.

    Changes: New in Zulip 3.0 (feature level 10).

  • timezone: string

    The time zone of the user.

    Changes: New in Zulip 3.0 (feature level 10).

  • date_joined: string

    The time the user account was created.

    Changes: New in Zulip 3.0 (feature level 10).

  • max_message_id: integer

    The integer ID of the last message received by your account.

    Deprecated. We plan to remove this in favor of recommending using GET /messages with "anchor": "newest".

  • user_id: integer

    The user's ID.

  • delivery_email: string | null

    The user's real email address. This value will be null if you cannot access this user's real email address. For bot users, this field is always set to the real email of the bot, because bot users always have email_address_visibility as EMAIL_ADDRESS_VISIBILITY_EVERYONE.

    Changes: Prior to Zulip 7.0 (feature level 163), this field was present only when email_address_visibility was restricted and you had access to the user's real email. Now, this field is always present, including the case when email_address_visibility is set to EMAIL_ADDRESS_VISIBILITY_EVERYONE, with the value being null if you don't have access to the user's real email. For bot users, this field is now always set to the real email irrespective of email_address_visibility setting.

  • profile_data: object

    Only present if is_bot is false; bots can't have custom profile fields.

    A dictionary containing custom profile field data for the user. Each entry maps the integer ID of a custom profile field in the organization to a dictionary containing the user's data for that field. Generally the data includes just a single value key; for those custom profile fields supporting Markdown, a rendered_value key will also be present.

    • {id}: object

      Object with data about what value the user filled in the custom profile field with that ID.

      • value: string

        User's personal value for this custom profile field.

      • rendered_value: string

        The value rendered in HTML. Will only be present for custom profile field types that support Markdown rendering.

        This user-generated HTML content should be rendered using the same CSS and client-side security protections as are used for message content.

Example response(s)

Changes: As of Zulip 7.0 (feature level 167), if any parameters sent in the request are not supported by this endpoint, a successful JSON response will include an ignored_parameters_unsupported array.

A typical successful JSON response may look like:

    "avatar_url": "",
    "avatar_version": 1,
    "date_joined": "2019-10-20T07:50:53.728864+00:00",
    "email": "",
    "full_name": "Iago",
    "is_active": true,
    "is_admin": true,
    "is_billing_admin": false,
    "is_bot": false,
    "is_guest": false,
    "is_owner": false,
    "max_message_id": 30,
    "msg": "",
    "profile_data": {
        "1": {
            "rendered_value": "<p>+1-234-567-8901</p>",
            "value": "+1-234-567-8901"
        "2": {
            "rendered_value": "<p>Betrayer of Othello.</p>",
            "value": "Betrayer of Othello."
        "3": {
            "rendered_value": "<p>Apples</p>",
            "value": "Apples"
        "4": {
            "value": "emacs"
        "5": {
            "value": "2000-01-01"
        "6": {
            "value": ""
        "7": {
            "value": "[10]"
        "8": {
            "value": "zulip"
    "result": "success",
    "role": 200,
    "timezone": "",
    "user_id": 5